Wednesday, November 23, 2011

City Hunter

Recently finished watching City Hunter (Korean Drama). ‘Recently’ actually equates to probably 3 hours ago. Anyways.

It was good, and I really liked the storyline and the development of events, and how everything weaves together to form this giant web. I enjoyed watching the characters, all so distinct and full of personality, and many left pretty deep impressions in the minds of viewers. I liked the love story between Lee Yoon Sung (Lee Minho) and Kim Na Na (Park Min Young), how it’s so cute and sweet, but not overly done. I liked the action scenes, the ways City Hunter executes his plans, with the dramatic soundtrack playing in the background. I liked how the story is quite complex (as compared to other kdramas) and how it leaves you wanting for more in the next episode. I liked the City Hunter, the way he deals with the villains, the way he decided to take his revenge, and the way he chose for himself. I liked the OST, the sound effects, the voices of the actors (i.e. how the texture, tone, pitch of their voices clearly represent their personality). I liked City Hunter as a drama in general.

Wow that was a long paragraph explaining my adoration for a drama.

And I was thinking, how great it is to have a City Hunter in real life, or even better, be a City Hunter in real life. Righting all the wrongs, seeking the truth beneath the ‘truth’ that others make us see, finding evidence and using the law to rightfully sentence them while they’ve been trying to evade it all along. It would be great.

But then again, it would probably shake up the entire society, if, only if there were such corrupt leaders amongst us. And then again, maybe justice isn’t what everyone wants, maybe not everyone wants the truth. Maybe people would rather just live with what there is instead of disrupting the whole system of how things work.

Ohwell. I’ll probably understand it better when I grow up. (I hope. And isn’t that what adults always tell us when something can only be understood when truly experienced? I’ll learn.)